Monday, April 26, 2021

Stop COVID-19 - Get Vaccinated!

Everyone wants COVID-19 to be gone and have life get back to normal – whatever normal will be when this is over.

That won’t happen until a substantial number of the population is vaccinated.  But the reluctance to get vaccinated is growing.  There is a sizable number of people that have an irrational fear of negative side effects from the vaccine. Some are waiting for everyone else to get vaccinated so they don’t have to.  Others worry that the science with the newer mRNA vaccines is too new and they worry about side effects far down the road.   There are people who are complaining that it’s a violation of their right to choose.   

It’s anyone’s guess as to why there is such hesitancy with some.   But one thing is for sure: COVID-19 is EVERYONE’S problem.    The virus doesn’t care about your right to choose, your fear of the science, or your lack of caring about the rest of mankind.  It can infect you at any time.   One  may think “I’ve made it this far, I won’t get it.”  That’s simply moronic thinking.   COVID-19 continues to mutate into more contagious variants.   Those variants are likely causing the large spike in cases in Michigan, and also the tragic surge in India where 300,000+ people A DAY in the last few days have contracted the virus.  There’s no telling as of this writing how many in India have died or will die because their hospital system is overwhelmed with COVID patients and they don’t have enough oxygen to treat everyone.   They are BEGGING for the vaccine while many Americans are backing away from it.  

The best way to help yourself, your fellow Americans, and the world, is to get vaccinated.  I’ve received both doses of the vaccine and the side effects were minimal: a sore arm with the first and second shot, and some tiredness with the second.   It was worth the feeling to be protected and to help stop the spread of this horrific virus.  

Do your part to stop COVID-19. Get vaccinated!